Friday, January 25, 2008

In The Beginning

Lissa (my fellow seamstress) and I began our gowns today. Well, actually I started cutting out the pattern pieces a few nights ago before I went to bed (usually I can't sleep until my mind has been emptied a little by doing something). And it is not the ball gown, but a day dress that will be worn before the dance as we walk around the town. The ball gown was getting too complicated, and I was confusing myself, so I settled for a simple, but elegant day dress to get my inspiration flowing before attempting the exquisitely detailed ball gown.

I found the perfect fabric at a secret place I think only Lissa and I know about (don't even try to get it out of me). It is an iridescent taffeta that looks, blue, purple, gray. or brown depending on the angle of the light. A photo would not do it justice. I am using the pattern above with a few personal touches.

First, I would like to make the bottom of the bodice slightly more pointed to add a touch of high fashion (very pointed bodices were very fashionable). Then , I am going to add a different collar which goes down further and resembles a collar on a modern blouse - the kind that fold out to the sides and make a narrow "v" shape below the neck. I might make the collar out of a different taffeta to give it more color.

And last, but not least, I am going to sew the entire gown by hand! Yes, it will take forever, but I know that it will look so much better, and I will be able to make it just perfect with the control a needle and thread give me. The sewing machine is very nice for those things we don't really see, but a gown of this quality needs the detail and perfection of hand-stitching.

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